Support Trinity Church and Trinity COMMONS
Trinity is supported by the generous contributions of members and friends – empowering Christ’s Ministry and Trinity’s call to be a “doorway of courage and creativity”.
“God calls upon us to give of our time, talent and money so that we might experience the quality of life that God wants for us. We believe that God will show love for us by blessing and using every gift we offer in love and thanksgiving, regardless of how small or large we perceive it to be. We believe that stewardship is a vital part of our worship and spiritual life, with the knowledge that, in giving we always also receive, as St. Paul said “In full measure, packed down and running over.” In accordance with biblical teachings and our own Episcopal tradition, we accept the tithe as the minimum goal for our giving, offering our time and talent as we have been called.”
St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland, Maine
not available at this time

For detailed information about online giving, direct deposits, routing numbers or ZELLE please contact a member of the Vestry through the parish office.
GIVING and PLEDGING to Trinity Church
The majority of Trinity’s operating income comes primarily through donations from members and friends of the cathedral. Stewardship is the spiritual discipline of giving of time, talent, and treasure to help build the Kingdom of God, and specifically, support Christ’s mission and ministry.
A helpful way to do this is by making a pledge, a promise to support the cathedral over the course of the year. Pledges help us make our budget, plan ahead, and do our best to serve God and our fellow human beings.
To make a pledge, please indicate the amount, the dates for which it is offered, and the manners of giving to expect (weekly, monthly, annually, through cash, check, or online deposit). Pledge cards and stewardship materials are also available upon request. All gifts are tax deductible.
Please mail to: P.O. Box 1402 – Lewiston, ME 04243-1402
GIVING and SUPPORTING Trinity Commons through the “Friends of Trinity”
To make a gift to this special initiative (that is in addition to annual support), please indicate the amount, the dates for which it is offered, and the manners of giving to expect (weekly, monthly, annually, through cash, check, or online deposit). All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Please mail to: P.O. Box 1402 – Lewiston, ME 04243-1402

Our Mission
Is to put our faith in action through our social and community outreach programs. Your donation will help support such programs as the Trinity Jubliee Center, The Roving Listener, Oasis of Music, and other ministries in support of the revitalization of the Tree Street neighborhood. Your generosity allows our work in the diocese, the greater Lewiston area, and the world to continue.
Thank you for considering a donation to Trinity Episcopal Church and Trinity COMMONS. We give thanks for all that God has given us.
If you have any questions, please call the church at (207) 716-6299 to leave a message for the Senior Warden or Priest-in-Charge.

Trinity Church and COMMONS
247 Bates Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1402, Lewiston, Maine 04243-1402
(207) 910-7737

Trinity is part of the Diocese of Maine, Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion