
The Rev. Dr. K. Paul St. Germain
A native of Vermont and cradle Episcopalian, Paul has served parishes of many sizes, primarily in the mid-west, for over thirty years. He graduated from the University of Vermont with a degree in History, followed by a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School where he received Yale’s prestigious Wilcott-Caulkins Award for public speaking. In addition to a Diploma of Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School, he holds a Doctor of Ministry from Virginia Theological Seminary.
Professionally, he has twice been appointed to the State of Ohio’s Council on the Humanities, and served for over a decade as a technical advisor to the Diocese of Southern Ohio on liturgy and the use of imagery in worship and website communication. He also has consulted on church development and planning – and served for ten years as head of The Miami Valley Episcopal Russian Youth Exchange Program.
Paul loves travel, and has built a number of collegial relationships through service here, Central America, and Eastern Europe, leading over thirty pilgrimages and ministry trips since 1995. His focus is often Anglican history with a primary interest in the role of ritual in modern culture. Paul is a close follower of the British Royal Family, enjoys Star Trek, “good food”, sailing with Cunard, motoring in his MiniCooper, and caring for Tavish – a particularly vocal and opinionated Scottish Terrier. He lives in Portland.
Please call him Paul!

Klara Tammany
Senior Warden
KLARA TAMMANY has served professionally as a teacher, religious educator, and non-profit director. Now retired, she lives in Lewiston, Maine, as one of five mentors at Sophia’s House, a residential community of healing for women. Klara has begun offering free listening in public spaces, and provides home funeral support through a network called Last Things. She continues to enjoy summers at her beloved family cottage on nearby Sand Pond, where she wrote Living Water.
Please call her Klara!

Rose Pruiksma, PhD.
Music Ministry
Rose Pruiksma is a professor in the Music department at University of New Hampshire. Her writing and research focuses on music, dance, and French identity in seventeenth-century France. and her scholarship has been supported by Fulbright (1999-200) and NEH (2004) fellowships. She has taught at a number of institutions in the northeast, including Bates College, Tufts University, the New England Conservatory of Music and Northeastern University.
Please call her Rose!
“I am among you as one who serves”
Jesus Christ – Gospel of Luke 27:22
The 6 member Vestry takes responsibility for overseeing the parish finances, building maintenance and planning. Vestry meetings are held monthly. A pastoral team tends to the needs of both neighbors and members. The Joy Ensemble plans and leads music for worship. Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and parish members and guest preachers participate in leading worship and preaching.
The Vestry’s goal is to encourage and support each other’s ministry – and that of the entire congregation –
daily in the world.
Vestry members: Klara Tammany, Senior Warden; Bob Hitchcock, Junior Warden; Sarah Strong; Jane Costlow; Tom Tracy
Ask the Vestry: “Why Trinity Church?”

“We love coming to Trinity because it is a welcoming, soul-nourishing community where we can play and pray!” – Ben and Nicola Chin, and Anjalie

“I am at Trinity because the community inspires me and gives me courage to live my vocation in the world everyday, as a Baptized Christian. We are a small community of friends who try to walk the talk, and face the realities, both struggles and joys of life together. I am challenged and fed spiritually each Sunday through worship that grounds and inspires me, and keeps me going.” – Klara Tammany, author of Living Water: Baptism as a Way of Life.

“After ‘church shopping’ for over a year, Trinity feels like home. It is wonderful to find a place that is so welcoming, so much a part of this neighborhood and one that is having a positive impact in the community.” – Andrew Day

“I’m a member at Trinity because it is a community that supports my own faith journey. As I continue to ask myself “what does it mean to be a follower of Jesus in the 21st century” I know that Trinity is a place I can be heard, supported and challenged. Trinity is also a place to be kept close to the challenges of the community – through the Jubilee Center and the downtown neighborhood. The lawyer and writer Brian Stevenson talks about the “power of proximity” – keeping ourselves close to the realities of those most vulnerable. Trinity helps me do that. And finally, I’m a member at Trinity because it’s a place that connects me to ancient traditions that are sources of meaning and joy – a never-exhausted oasis to drink from when life seems overwhelming.” – Jane Costlow

Bob is a “can do” member of the congregation. While attentive to the workings of the Trinity Campus in general, he brings a love of woodworking, history, and creative projects to his role with spirit and warm congeniality.
Bob Hitchcock
Junior Warden

Trinity Church and COMMONS
247 Bates Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1402, Lewiston, Maine 04243-1402
(207) 910-7737

Trinity is part of the Diocese of Maine, Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion