Who We Are
An after school and summer program that addresses the needs of the youth in Lewiston-Auburn through programs rooted in academics, the arts, and athletics in a safe space that encourages healthy physical, social, emotional, and academic development while building unity across lines of difference.
Tree Street Youth is a Lewiston-based community of youth and adults who use their diverse lived experiences and collective empowerment to co-create youth-centered programs and partnerships that encourage leadership, learning, exploration, and growth. We are grounded in radical accessibility and relationships rooted in equity and care.
Trinity Church has been a partner of Tree Street Youth since its inception – and continues to support this vibrant ministry.
Dream Big
Love More
Fear Less

“What We Do”
A Message from Julia Sleeper-Whiting
Executive Director and Co-Founder
“In July 2016, Tree Street Youth celebrated its 5th year in operation thanks to the generous support of the local community and our grantors. The Center is a true testament to the tremendous things that can happen when ordinary citizens have a medium to engage in collective action to improve the lives of local youth. It’s been a joy to see the community of youth that has grown at the Center and the spirit of volunteerism that has made it all possible.
This has been an amazing journey, and I look forward to sharing our success as the Center reaches new milestones in the coming years.”
Tree Street’s programming is grounded in creating opportunities for Leadership, Learning, Exploration, and Growth for all youth ages 4-24 who attend the center. Programming takes place year-round and is embedded in our After School and Summer Programming Structures. We currently have 6 core programs.
144 Howe St, Lewiston, Maine 04240

Trinity Episcopal Church and COMMONS – 247 Bates Street. – Lewiston, Maine 04240
207 716 6299
Mail: PO Box 1402 Lewiston, ME 04243-1402
Info: information@trinitylewiston.org

Trinity is a part of the Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion
Copyright 2023

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