The “Elevator Speech” – Welcoming Words
One – Spiritual and Theological Content
I’m sure many of us are familiar with the phrase “for everything there is a season.”It’s a folk song – it’s a biblical quotation – and it’s a truth that applies to Trinity Church and COMMONS as we enter into a new season of discovering who we are – and how we can best serve the community in Lewiston.Our faith as Anglicans was “rebranded” in the 16th Century by a king named Henry VIII who wanted a divorce. You MAY have heard of him. But it was founded over 2000 years ago by someone I KNOW you’ve heard of called Jesus Christ – who called for a world of radical love and the inclusion of ALL people.
I want to thank YOU for being here this afternoon as we look to a new season for Trinity Church and COMMONS. Special thanks go to _____ for making this event possible.And thank you also for being part OUR 21st Century “rebranding” – and the embrace of people of every faith tradition – and those who profess none – with the eternal message of hope and love and inclusion of ALL.
We worship every Sunday in this place at 10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome.
Two – A General Welcome
On behalf of the dedicated volunteers who make this gathering possible, a warm welcome to Trinity Commons! This is an exciting new initiative for our parish and our historic building – offering an open door for communities of faith, music and the arts, and a place discuss the concerns and issues facing our society today. My name is ____________.
If there is any way we may make you more welcome, please let us know. There is an all-gender restroom – “The Necessary” – through the doors to the left of the altar area.
We hope you are uplifted by being in this holy place – surrounded by history and the faith stories of our past – even as we make new memories and create new traditions into the future.
We worship every Sunday in this place at 10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome.

Trinity Church and COMMONS
247 Bates Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1402, Lewiston, Maine 04243-1402
(207) 910-7737

Trinity is part of the Diocese of Maine, Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion